Category: Pet Care

  • July 2024 (2) – It’s Getting Hot in Here (Part 2): Hot-spots 

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    By Dr. Emma Bush As mentioned in my previous blog post, one of the best parts of summer is being able to enjoy the lovely warm days outdoors with our pets. Whether this is through hiking, playing in the yard or the dog park, or going for a swim, outdoor time, especially in the Maritimes,…

  • July 2024 (1) – It’s Getting Hot in Here (Part 1): Heat-stroke 

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    By: Dr. Emma Bush         The start of the summer is an exciting time for pets and owners alike. Warm days mean beautiful hikes, swims and time spent together outdoors. Unfortunately, along with the warmth comes days of extreme temperatures and heat warnings. In times like these, the risk of heat stroke is a very real…

  • Parasites and Parasite prevention products (Part 1): Fleas and Ticks

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    By: Dr. Emma Bush, DVM The most common external parasites of dogs and cats that we see are fleas and ticks. There are both oral and topical preventative products to protect against one or both of these parasites. Most products are given monthly; however, some can last for longer durations. It is recommended to give…

  • New Year, New Pet: Preparing for your new puppy or kitten By Dr. Emma Bush

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    It is the start of the New Year and we are all excited about what the coming months will bring. Many of us are considering welcoming new additions to the family, namely new puppies and kittens. Some may even have already had a new pet come to them, found underneath the Christmas tree.In any of…

  • September is Happy Healthy Cat Month!

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    Although we spend our entire year trying to make sure all of our feline patients are happy and healthy, September is the OFFICIAL month to celebrate! It is a common misconception that cats are self-reliant and don’t need as much attention as dogs. Cats are extremely social creatures, and require the same amount of care…

  • Tips for Bringing Home a New Dog

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  • Tips for Bringing Home a New Cat


  • Brushing your Dog’s Teeth

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    What would happen if you stopped brushing your own teeth? Even if you only ate hard food, as most dogs do, there still would be problems. You should be brushing your dog’s teeth twice daily if you can manage it; it’s not as difficult as you might imagine. What are the benefits of brushing? Brushing…

  • Halloween Safety


    With Halloween right around the corner, we at Eastern Passage Village Veterinary Hospital want to remind you of the dangers to pets surrounding this holiday. After all, November 1st is always a pretty busy day for us! Chocolate: Of all candy, chocolate is one of the most toxic to pets. In general, the darker and…

  • The Importance of a Microchip

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    A microchip is a small, electronic chip enclosed in a glass cylinder that is about the same size as a grain of rice. The microchip itself does not have a battery—it is activated by a scanner that is passed over the area, and the radio waves put out by the scanner activate the chip. The…