Category: General Health

  • Obesity in Pets and how to Achieve Weight Loss


    Obesity is the most common health problem of pets.  Approximately 45% of pets are considered overweight (15-30% over the ideal weight) or obese (30% over the ideal weight). Overweight and obese animals have a number of health problems that can be directly linked to being overweight including Diabetes Arthritis – can actually cause arthritis, and…

  • 5 Ways to HAVE FUN with your Cat!

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    Cats have acquired many reputations as their media portrayal is always changing, but a persistent belief that continues to show up is that cats are lazy and uncooperative. Some people would probably say, “If you want a fun animal, get a dog!” The truth is that there are many ways to engage with cats to…

  • Feces eating in Dogs and Cats: Why do they do that?!!

    Eating feces (known as coprophagia) is a frustrating thing. You may have a dog or cat that is constantly trying to eat their own (or others) feces and unfortunately this can be a hard habit to break. There is nothing worse than chasing your dog around the backyard as he playfully runs away, or seeing…

  • Common Winter Injuries in Dogs


    While some dogs avoid the cold and snow, others love to run and play in all types of weather!  For the most part, playing/walking/running in the snow is great exercise and is safe for all dogs to do.  Sometimes we will see problems in bad weather if they overdo it or have an accident. The…

  • Pet Protection: Keeping Your Animals Safe On Halloween

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    Halloween is best when the whole family has fun, and family includes any dogs, cats, or other household pets. Halloween can be distressing for animals, but with proper precautions, they too can have a safe, happy holiday: 1. Keep Them Clear of Candy As tasty as they are to humans, Halloween candies are not suitable…

  • 4 Ways to Keep Your Cat in Tiptop Shape!

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    Cats mostly keep indoors, and they are great lovers of sleep during the day. Therefore maintaining their fitness can be quite a challenge. However the job has been simplified courtesy of some tried and true pointers put together in the following ways: Create playtime for your cat Bring home a catnip toy or a laser…