Your Puppy/Kittens First Year – What to expect!

Congratulations, you’ve got a new fur baby! Now that you’ve got your fluffy bundle of joy home, you may be asking yourself “what now”? And if so, then here’s your answer:

The first stop should be your veterinarian. Even if your puppy or kitten isn’t due for a vaccine yet, it is still important to have a physical exam done ASAP. Your veterinarian will do a full “nose-to-toes” exam which can pick up issues you couldn’t on your own, plus the veterinarian and hospital staff are the experts when it comes to anything puppy related.

When it comes to vaccines, young pets generally receive 3 sets of vaccinations, each about a month apart, starting after 8 weeks of age.


They should be dewormed at least 4 times (each 2 weeks apart) as they can be born with worms contracted from their mother, and they are very susceptible to picking them up from the environment.

Spay or Neuter

This surgery can be preformed anytime after 5 months old. While it’s never too late to spay or neuter, doing the surgery at this age can help protect your new addition from developing life-threatening diseases later in life. Also, a spayed or neutered pet is easier to train, less likely to roam and less likely to fight with other animals.

Adding another pet to your family is an exciting experience for the whole family. Nutrition, vaccinations, health insurance, parasite control, spaying/neutering, puppy/kitten socialization are a few of many things that are very important in the first year. Our veterinarians and care team want to get your new addition off to a healthy and strong start.