Puppy proofing the house


Puppy proofing the house is a continual learning curve. Things that I think could never be chewed are destroyed in seconds. Thankfully, Dudley has almost outgrown his chewing stage and he’s starting to calm down. Fiona on the other hand… well… she’s a different story.

Fiona has a sock obsession. Sometimes I don’t even know where she gets them from. I swear, she digs through the laundry basket looking for the smelliest socks she can find. And I have to say, they are always MY socks. When I think all the clothes in the house are put away, she runs out with a sock in her mouth. Just when I take one away from her, she magically finds another. I am starting to run out of socks that don’t have holes in them.

Dudley does pretty well, he knows he is not allowed to chew socks. However, when Fiona runs around with that tempting piece of cloth in her mouth, he just wants to join the fun.

When I think everybody is being good, and the house is quiet and peaceful, I go in another room to find both Dudley and Fiona chewing on my socks.

I am going to start filling out my veterinary insurance forms now, because I can foresee an emergency sock removal surgery coming my way… That might be my next blog, stay tuned!